вторник, 21 апреля 2020 г.

13.4 Monitor Stakeholder Engagement

Description: It is the process of monitoring stakeholder relationships and tailoring strategies for engagement engaging stakeholder through modification of engagement strategies and plans.

Key benefit: it maintains or increases the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholder engagement activities as the project evolves and its environment changes.

Frequency: throughout the project.

Process / Asset groupInputThe ProcessOutputProcess / Asset group
Project Management PlanResource management plan13.4 Monitor Stakeholder EngagementWork performance information4.5 Monitor and Control Project Work
Communication management planChange requests4.6 Perform Integrated Change Control
Stakeholder engagement planResource management planProject Management Plan
Project DocumentsIssue logCommunication management plan
Lesson learned registerStakeholder engagement plan
Project communicationsIssue logProject Documents
Risk registerLesson learned register
Stakeholder registerRisk register
4.3 Direct and Manage Project WorkWork performance dataStakeholder register
Enterprise / OrganizationEnterprise environment factors
Organizational process assets

13.4.1 Inputs Project Management Plan


  • Resource management plan. Identifies the methods for team member management.
  • Communications management plan. Describes the plans and strategies for communication to the project's stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder engagement plan. Defines the plan for managing stakeholder needs and expectations. Project Documents


  • Issue log. Documents all the known issues related to the project and stakeholders.
  • Lessons learned register.
  • Project communications. The project communications that have been distributed to stakeholders as defined in the communications management plan and the stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Risk register. Contains the identified risks for the project, including those related to stakeholder engagement and interactions, their categorization, and list of potential responses.
  • Stakeholder register. Сontains stakeholder information that includes but is not limited to stakeholder identification, assessment, and classification. Work Performance Data

Data on project status such as which stakeholders are supportive of the project, and their level and type of engagement. Enterprise Environmental Factors

  • Organizational culture, political climate, and governance framework;
  • Personnel administration policies;
  • Stakeholder risk thresholds;
  • Established communication channels;
  • Global, regional, or local trends, practices, or habits; and
  • Geographic distribution of facilities and resources. Organizational Process Assets


  • Corporate policies and procedures for social media, ethics, and security;
  • Corporate policies and procedures for issue, risk, change, and data management;
  • Organizational communication requirement;
  • Standardized guidelines for development, exchange, storage, and retrieval of information; and
  • Historical information from previous projects.

13.4.2 Tools and Techniques Data Analytics


  • Alternatives analysis. To evaluate options to respond to variances in the desired results of stakeholder engagement.
  • Root cause analysis. To determine the basic underlying reason that stakeholder engagement is not having the planned effect.
  • Stakeholder analysis. Helps to determine the position of stakeholder groups and individuals at any particular time in the project. Decision Making


  • Multicriteria decision analysis. Criteria for successful stakeholder engagement are prioritized and weighted to identify the most appropriate choice.
  • Voting. Used to select the best response for a variance in stakeholder engagement. Data Representation

Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix. Tracking changes in level of engagement for each stakeholder. Communication Skills

  • Feedback. To ensure that the information to stakeholders is received and understood.
  • Presentations.Provide clear information to stakeholders. Interpersonal and Team Skills


  • Active listening. Used to reduce misunderstandings and other miscommunication.
  • Cultural awareness. Helps the project manager to plan communications based on the cultural differences and requirements of stakeholders and team members.
  • Leadership.
  • Networking. Access to information about levels of engagement of stakeholders.
  • Political awareness. Used to understand the strategies of the organization, understand who wields power and influence in this arena, and to develop an ability to communicate with these stakeholders. Meetings

13.4.3 Outputs Work Performance Information

The status of stakeholder engagement, such as the level of current project support and compared to the desired levels of engagement as defined in the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix, stakeholder cube, or other tool. Change Requests

Corrective and preventive actions to improve the current level of stakeholder engagement. Project Management Plan Updates

  • Resource management plan. Team responsibilities for stakeholder engagement activities may need to be updated.
  • Communications management plan. The project's communication strategies may need to be updated.
  • Stakeholder engagement plan. Information about the project's stakeholder community may need to be updated. Project Documents Updates

  • Issue log.
  • Lessons learned register. Information on challenges and how they could have been avoided. It is also updated with approaches that worked well for engaging stakeholders optimally, and those that did not work well.
  • Risk register. Updated with responses to stakeholder risks.
  • Stakeholder register. Updated with information as a result of monitoring stakeholder engagement.

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